Monday 18 November 2013

**Freebie** Cupcake Tracing

Hello there!

We have been busy at Kits 4 Kindy Kids working on some new kits for the new year! But i've had time to squeeze in a few freebie making sessions! Tonight I created a Cupcake Tracing Freebie.

It's set to A4 so all you have to do is print away! You can either leave as is and let your kindy kids go wild or you can laminate and let them reuse the sheet over and over again!
Another tip is to cut out decorations or toppings for them to add to their finished cupcake!


Cupcake Tracing Download

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Story Time

Whose Eggs? 

Our son loves to read- Well he loves us reading to him! He is nearly 2 and he goes crazy for books! Especially when it's time for bed! His picks are always between this book and an easter cookbook (he is also very strange) The common theme appears to be eggs which is his new favourite word!

My Mother gave DS this book when he was one. It floated around the house. DS would look at it, turns some pages and move on. We persevered (as we do with all books and learning material) and suddenly he started recognising animals and words. Now he yells out "Eggs book".

The book shows a picture of an egg (all different shapes, sizes and colours) and asks "Whose eggs?"
Then you lift the flap to find out who the egg belongs to!

A great and very quick bed time story!

This book is available for purchase from the ABC shop online (as well as many other online sources)

Where to buy

Saturday 9 November 2013

**Freebie** Menu Board

Another one to make your home life a little easier! 

My darling children are only 2 and 6 months so they can't exactly ask me "what's for dinner" multiple times a night but my darling husband will ask about 50 times within 10 minutes of arriving home! This Menu board has made our lives so much simpler! I write this up on Sunday night and it also helps with budgeting our groceries :)

You can download and laminate or place into a frame and write straight on to the glass :)


Animal Sewing

This is one of the first kits I ever made. I wasn't sure whether our son would even be interested or capable. Today we whipped it out and gave it a shot!

Animal Sewing

This kit consists of 4 sewing cards, 4 ribbons and 1 children's sewing needle. 

This kit is excellent for fine motor skills and also animal recognition. DS loved saying each animals name and the noise they made! 

**Freebie** Weekly Planner

I made this one recently when I started working full time and need some way of keeping track of who was meant to be where when! I needed it simple and also erasable! 

Simply download the file. 


And attach to your fridge. I purchased some stick on magnets to go on the back. 

I then use a dry erase marker to write our weekly plan :) 

Hope you have all had a wonderful week

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Cupcake Match


This fun and vibrant kit will entertain your child while leaving your kitchen free of brightly coloured frosting! 

Each kit comes with 4 frosting tops and 4 cupcake bases and a song about cakes.
The aim is to encourage children to match the cupcake base to the coloured frosting.

Children learn colour matching.

Welcome to Kits 4 Kindy Kids!

Welcome to Kits 4 Kindy Kids!

A little about us- I am a mum of two wonderful children (Master 2 and Miss 6 months). I have just started a pre-apprenticeship in construction, while studying a bachelor of education and my husband is a supermarket manager! Life is pretty hectic to say the least. Our children have two days at daycare which is wonderful but the other 5 days we had to find an easy way to entertain our kids without watching reruns of Peppa Pig all day. I started making kits for my son, as his very very active mind meant he was climbing up the walls before I had even had a morning coffee! And so began Kits 4 Kindy Kids. While my son is not of kindy age we still encourage him to play and learn above his current ability.

I will be uploading all the kits and hopefully some photos of the kits in action. And also some freebies!
Stay tuned!